Episode 34: Super Colon Obsessed!

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Movies Discussed:
The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Suicide Squad, Team 7, Booster Gold, Deathstroke, Batman vs. Superman, X-Men: Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse, Fantastic Four, Star Wars, Fast & the Furious 7, Mandela: Long Walk of Freedom, Tusk, Jurassic World, The Wolf of Wall Street, Fight Club Sequel, The Legend of Hercules, Veronica Mars, Terminator Reboot, Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Bourne, San Andreas, Spring Breakers, The Fifth Beatle, Cats, Annie, Star Trek Into Darkness, World of Warcraft, The Jungle Book, Indiana Jones, Animal Farm, He’s Fucking Perfect, Beverly Hills Cop 4, Bourne Legacy, Smashed, Brave, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels

TV Shows Discussed:
The Walking Dead, House of Cards, Turbo FAST, Louis C.K., HitRecord, Terminator TV Show, Daredevil

Comics Discussed:
Iron Man, Dredd

Netflix Recommendations:
Jackie Brown, Flight, Sword in the Stone, Chatroom

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